Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What the fishhhhhh

Today, early in the morning  Phoenix remembered that something important not being done.  So after asking Phoenix supervisor.. quickly Phoenix change and rush to the H.  Who want to visit H if feeling well and healthy? 

Being early bird there Phoenix get the chance to see some of the scenario so hope to share with members.

First scenario - one pair of old ladies can't speak malay or english only able to commute in their language go to reception counter.  Without looking at the ladies, N show 'black face' and respond ya ya... just put your card in the 'lobang' in malay.  The old ladies confuse look... and respond in their language, the other N ask us to come over and pass this letter to you... then the N respond again.. just put in the 'lobang' neh.. got 8 o'clock, 8.30 and so on... with frustration look this time.. the old ladies getting very agitated this time... just put the ticket at the counter in front of the N.  N later also accepted this letter. 
* why can't N just accept the letter at the first place to reduce all the hassle? can't she behave better? they're old ladies and should be treated with respect.  And another advice for this N, if not willing to serve people why join servicing line?  Better stay at home and relax.  Remember that you are getting pay from taxpayer so serve them as they are your BOSS.  Without them, you're out of JOB!!!

Second scenario - Phoenix turn this time.... seeing the N reading the letter that being submitted for a while, Phoenix wait patiently.  After N go through the letter, she call out the name mentioned on the letter and Phoenix sit down.  First question from N - what is the problem? Phoenix respond politely - this is refer letter -for my gal from Johor to Sibu and my gal was bla bla bla (everything is written on the letter anyway) . Then N respond - How come no date and no chop and from what hospital? Phoenix look at the letter a while - pointed at the date to N, this is the date.. N respond - when is the letter being written? Pointed at the date on the letter and smile back at N - N this is the date right! Phoenix respond .. yah this is the date this letter was written.  Other then the H, Phoenix don't think anyone can have this letter head rite? why there is no chop - Phoenix also don't know that this letter chop ..... the letter thing N got nothing to respond.. N asked another question, where's the gal H card? eh.. this time Phoenix asked N back, the other H told me that all the record is in the system, and you all can just go in the system and will be able to get all the details... then N start to press on her keyboard .. yah we got her name here.. where is your H card the pink colour one!!!cb eh.. tis time Phoenix really on fire ord....and told N -  my main purpose here is to get the medicine, how should I go about it.  N respond, you can just go to polyclinic.  Phoenix asked do they have this.... medicine?  N respond - I don't know, you go there first and see which H they'll refer you again.... this time Phoenix just walk off. 
* what the fffffffffffffffffffffffffff darn bloody fool.  should really fired this kind of bad attitude service people, why should we pay for them if they don't know how to serve.  Already sick still need to please them.. this is all bad applesss.... keep them just to make our servicing line like darn yucky...

Reach polyclinic
First intention just want to get information how to get the medicine - reach 'kaunter pertanyaan' morning sir, I got refer letter from Johor and want to get the medicine how to go about it?  the 'sir' - ambil no. wahsen.. this time Phoenix stunt... ambil no?  saya cuma nak tanya macam mana process dia sebab kita nak balik tempat lain... 'sir' yalah ambil no.............. this cb gong eh sir .. make me want to slap him.  If ambil no. put your counter as NO. Counter!!!! don't put it 'kaunter pertanyaan'... people don't even ask question you keep asking people to take no. if not willing to respond.. don't sit there!!! what the hack that our H management is doing. getting all the monkeys and donkeys to work there.. make the patient sick worsen and the best.. they're darn proud of their ATTITUDE!!!!

Phoenix very dissapointed of their GOODDDDD RESPOND! and came to Phoenix supervisor.  Supervisor asked Phoenix to try another counter - Pharmacy, thank god .. the lady (about 50-60 of age) respond with patience and smile.  Phoenix show her the refer letter and asked about the medicine available, with nice tone the lady said we have the medicine here you just have to pass the letter to the counter they'll know how to process.  As there is a lot of patient now, please come in afternoon better then she smile back at Phoenix.  Really thank god there's ONE that do her job well. 

Please Please Please, no one want to visit H if feeling well... so all the service people in this line, serve your patience with warm heart as one day you'll be patience too.. will you be happy should you get this kind of respond?  or if your related person is sick and being serve in this kind of matter.. how will you fell?  Phoenix don't know, maybe for them it's norm .. we keep talking about Quality... is this the Quality that we are talking about??? then... we should look into our future plan again.... no more increament.... got increament the service also f same so why should we pay high????  What KIP are we talking about.. with this kind of grad... then the KIP should be reviewed...

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