Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Snake... wahahaha

Interesting morning, not waking up by my own :( Tinkerbell called me to check on her '2 inches' long snake.  6 something if Phoenix not wrong...haiz.. yesterday ord so tired.. so early in the morning Tinkerbell wakes me up just to check on snake???? Tinkerbell always very dramatic eh so Phoenix just say ya ya ah ah.. by the way.. Phoenix did really check whether the baby snake still there boh...  see see boh.. so Phoenix continue to have a nap a while. 

After a while... Tinkerbell reach home! asking Phoenix got see the snake or not... boh leh should be gone ord Phoenix guess.  Phoenix rush to get ready for training session today.  After Phoenix took the shower get change... helppppppppppppppppppppp this Tinkerbell shouting ! hulamak... lucky Phoenix got her pants on ord and yes... her bra.  Tinkerbell keep knocking on the door  - ah ma woi............................ snakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee huh... siaow khi... Phoenix half naked man!!!! cham la this cha boh! got snake got snake.. feel funny and scared at the same times wakakakakakaka Tinkerbell always like tat eh hihihihihihiiiii she jumps on the bed.. Phoenix check with her where's the snake... she's born on year of snake k................. Tinkerbell said in the basin... what in the basin??? huh tis snake must be very keng la go basin find food wakakakakak...

Phoenix very fast close the door .. then Tinkerbell said - must close my room door la later the snake will go in... how ah.. she look at Phoenix.. walao eh asked Phoenix go and die man....Phoenix told her... I also scared  hor.. then Tinkerbell pass me the blanket.. use blanket if the snake attack wont be able to bite u!!! kns this Tinkerbell... emmm this time Phoenix look for something more solid.. thank god - Phoenix super mom did reserved pan wok in the room wahahahahah.. Phoenix carry the wok and blanket to check on the status... huh.. how to check?? what if the snake came out and bite me.. Tinkerbell - climb up to the cupboard there and check .. very kian la ask Phoenix go and check she hide in the room.... Phoenix always be the forefrontner.. so go la.. or else like Tinkerbell in the room ma c cham wahahahaha

Bring my weapon - blanket as bullet proof and wok as my snapper! hahahhaha climb up the cupboard.. boh leh.. Tinkerbell said check again.. cannt be its run again.. huh where to??? Tinkerbell panic again... jeng jeng Phoenix saw snake.. beside the newspaper.. huh.. fast fast Phoenix close the door and cover the door seal.. ma eh.. so 'BIG' eh snake.. as too early in the morning Phoenix didn't hear properly how big is the snake from Tinkerbell.. beh tahan this Tinkerbell .... everything ma shout.. make my heart pumping so darn fast.  Want to pengsan khi!

Hai, since the snake is so Big...Phoenix let Tinkerbell handle the rest.  Phoenix help her to call the neighbour, shout like siaow lan wahahahhahahaha.. Phoenix guess the rest .. member can read from her blog :P

Tinkerbell Tinkerbell.. be brave a bit la... beh c mah let u shout c khi k.. pity the snake Phoenix guess the snake must be shocked too wakakakakaka it's happy ending anyway, baby snake go back to nature and Tinkerbell happy happy with her fb again hihihihihi..

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