Saturday, May 22, 2010


Someone told Phoenix.. "that kid is 3 yrs old and he's so chatty"... hmmmm at first Phoenix dun really feel anything .. but after yesterday nite sleep.. erm .. feel a bit 'tired'. 

Do really understand! As parents there's always expectation for our kid, to be smart then others, to be better then others, everything if can... better then others.  Before having own kids, Phoenix ord have a planned tat shall raise her kid up 'happy'.  Whether they're 'smart' or not, more important they must be growing up happy and well.  How many successful people is really doing well when they were 'young'?   yah, indeed it is not easy to bring up kid like my gal.  Imaging have to feed princess every morning and evening without fail or else there might be complication.  It pains Phoenix heart and it serve a reminder to Phoenix to live everyday to fullest.  Enjoy every moment of our life. 

Someone asked Phoenix 'since she's okay now, dun have to c specialist'!!!! well, may Phoenix throw this ball back to them?  what will they respond? will you let your kid suffer should you still able to afford the fees?   why let her take so many vitamins? hmmm if dun have to.. will any parents still do so?  don't let her go to 'tat' school?  who dun wish to provide your kid the best ever school..... well, Phoenix indeed very upset when ppl sometimes just so ignorance and keep repeated throwing this question back to Phoenix.  and the best part is should they are same person... @#$%^&*!@#$^#% most of the time Phoenix just smile and walk away but deep inside it hurts :(

Phoenix keep moving and live for her gal now, so please do not hurt her feeling further as that's the main goal of her life.. Phoenix enjoy her day with her princess.  It might not easy but for Phoenix, thing happen for reason! it regardless what ppl said ... let it be cause she's my kid.. I'll love her no matter what happen.. blessed us instead of so many untowards comments.

Phoenix expectation for her princess - live well and happy
Phoenix expectation for those who care - be happy

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