Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Back at HOME

Feel so good to be HOME... Phoenix miss her home so much as this is the place where she find her own self the most.  Do what she like.. what she want... what she loves... yeah.. home is the best.  After so many months doing setting up of Phoenix business.. the first phase is done! Great relieved.. feeling really happy!  Learn lots of thing in this process.. thank you sifu for your advice and information. 

It is indeed not easy to do own business hehhehehe.. but if don't try how we know's really great experiences.. running up and down, right and left, back and forth... sometimes getting dizzy coz lost direction.. from one department to another department.. one floor to another floor.. cham...if this what all the business owner do??? hahahaha crazy man... Phoenix really hope the 'government' can plan something more flexible and advance for this kind of processes... can do online bah!! now so high-tech ord still do manual work... waste taxpayer money..

Being at hometown so many months was great experiences as well.  Leaving hometown more then 10 years ago to further study and work make Phoenix hardly be back hometown for more then a month period.  As this time is for business purposes, Phoenix back hometown for more then ... hmmmm.. wah.. nearly 6 months... time flies ... hearing lots of updates of all my family members hahahahaha... Phoenix luvs them lots .... whenever Phoenix need someone to help ... there's someone sure be there to help up!  that's what we call FAMILY!

Phoenix have one Big Family... we hardly differentiate by 'cousin' 'nephew' and bla bla bla as for us... we are one 'FAMILY'! respect each other is more important in our FAMILY it's regardless young and old, big or small.  Honestly it was really hard to find family like ours hahahahaha.. our family really BIG wakkakakak even Phoenix get confuse most of the time who is who... don't care la as long as they smile at Phoenix... Phoenix smile la wahahahahah.. more is better bah ;P  remember this year CNY, some of Phoenix cousin have to self intro to Phoenix as Phoenix totally dun have any clue who are they hahahahhahaa... looking at their cute face make Phoenix feel fully and admire this little boys... Phoenix getting older & forgetful each day so hope you all can remember Phoenix instead hehehehee..

Read Tinkerbell post a while ago... hahahahaha yah indeed when Phoenix small no one dare to come close to Phoenix... same goes to today my dear.. hehehehe oh ya one thing need to be corrected.. Phoenix only tell the truth k ;P so... dun complaint wakakakakaka... coz u gals too many secret babe la la la la la...  Phoenix luv to be those that true to heart so... you know who u are hahahahaha.. Phoenix not the person that know how to keep unhappiness 'inside' ... Phoenix is an open book... happy or not.. it all shows hahahahahaha.. this is what we call personality babe wakakakakkaa..

F - reedom
A - ttitude
M - agnanimity
I - ndependent
L - oyalty
Y - outh

That's what family stand for.. so enjoy ya!  till we meet again ;P

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