Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Count Down...

6 more days.. Phoenix will be travelling again and start her next task. 

hmmm tiring week but Phoenix enjoy it.  Thinking about the next task, Phoenix really hope that can completes all the assignments and project so that can graduates by next year.  Phoenix wish that this time round Tinkerbell can join Phoenix convocation... 10 yrs ago, Tinkerbell didn't make it... this time.. please do try k coz Phoenix wish you be there for her...remember 10 yrs ago convocation... before convocation.. super mom remind Phoenix to purchase 4 tickets.. 2 for Phoenix parents and 2 for Tinkerbell n Jiefu.  When the day reach, only Phoenix parents attenting.. that time the feeling feel a bit upset coz others all their family members is there to celebrate for them... Phoenix console herself ... Phoenix keep telling herself.. they might be really busy and can't make it so it's okay...

Phoenix.. jia you jia you!


  1. is not bz..its boh lui tat time. as u know i always d bao qin tian..tats y i decide to let them go nia...

  2. so tis time shld i graduated on time hehehe cross finger.. i'll get u all ticket to come ;P
