Thursday, May 13, 2010

Be freeee.. yeah

yeah yeah yeah... finally, today is last day of my express training course.  huh..relieved!  This is not the end babe, they need to submit project wakakakaka.. Phoenix love them.  To learn something new, we need to put in lots of effort so that when you see the results... you will be able to appreciates and feel the joy. 

hmmmm very nice student, fast learner, curious, patience and hardworking.  Heard from them that when they first heard about this field they don't think it's workable hehehehe.. now they are gearing for this line hahahahhaa.. it regardless of any field, there is need to be pro.  Trust in own self is the best motivation tool.  Always believed that thing will work out should we put in effort ofcoz.. need some lucks too ;P

Changing line from different industry have make most of Phoenix family members and working partner a shocked ;P.. well well well, Phoenix didn't realise that with this decision it has created such a havoc in some 'sense'.  Would really love to share why this decision come by... thank you to those that care on Phoenix decision.. Phoenix is doing well and happy :)

Someone told Phoenix that.. ppl have being saying that Phoenix have gone mad as why tender such a high post??? hahahahha..being away from home and working for ppl more then 10 yrs it's really tough tough job.. it's being quite a while that Phoenix want to start own thing .. just don't have that COURAGE.  Thing change when the arrival of little princess in 2006. 

Princess conditions getting serious in year 2007... in and out of H have being norm and tiring.  Keep applying for leave to do her follow up.  Can't concentrate on work and distraction affected Phoenix working performance. Finally Phoenix decided to tender.  Boss keep asking to take leave and come back when princess is getting better, Phoenix really thanks all the bosses understanding.. till now, the door is still open for Phoenix to be back to corporate world - Lao Pan xie xie

Remember my little princess sharing... she have health issue (hard to explain here as it's long long long story) she's doing well now - no worry keep praying for my princess.  After attending the course which most of Phoenix family member attended.. firmed up Phoenix decision.  So my dear friends, it was not the course that asking Phoenix to tender... it's Phoenix decision that make Phoenix to decide :)  No one able to tell us what to do unless we want to ... we are our own master!

Phoenix love princess lots.. that's why Phoenix make this decision as Phoenix wish and hope to be with princess ... sometimes we have to sacrifice's to get something else in return.  We can't have both world my dear friends!  Don't be greedy ... Be simple, Be natural, Be free...

Thank you my princess, because of you mommy's n daddy's have took up lots of new challenges!  Thing happen for reason, be positive always!

Everyone is born free, be free, stay free... life goes on babe so ENJOY ya hoooooooooo

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