Monday, April 19, 2010

Working Day

After 2 days of resting, Phoenix start her engine again.  How Phoenix wish that she have more then a pair of hand.  Not enough hand to do all the planned schedule. 

Early morning, Phoenix get herself ready to collect the 'thing' that suppose to be in her office last few months ago... another long story for this 'thing' that mentioned.. anyway, she manage to get it and send the stuff safely to her office with full of sweat accompany her. 

Phoenix really do not like people that don't keep promises.  Make her round, round and round so troublesome.  Why can't people just keep their promises and get the thing done.  c cai cham this kind of people.  Do they realises that time is precious.  Time is money so do not waste time.

Anyway, get the rest of 40% of planning done this week.  Still got few days to go.  This week is also travelling week.  Hmmmm.. treat is as holiday then it won't be boring/tiring :)

Talk about being boss, very nice and wide scope.  Dealing with different country, state, teritory and business partner is another challenging task.  Phoenix have being travelling around places before Phoenix venture own business. 

One country that's memorable to her is VIETNAM .. .huh...this is a country where Phoenix really Phobia wakakakakaka.. thinking of their food.. OMG want to CRY ... yah crying... still remember one incident when one of her big boss (KT) bring her to eat... KT said to Phoenix, 'if you come to vietnam don't taste their local food ah, you can't tell people you have being here'.. Phoenix look at KT for a while.. okayla buy his idea.  They get their local staff to bring them around and taste the local food.  First dish, so call local popiah... gosh.. scarry dish.  As Phoenix don't eat that much vege so boh pian la since already there... try also.  First bite like in HEAVEN wahahahahaha.... Phoenix looked at KT and inside her heart cursing him non-stop ! @ #=9^$&*;* this kind of food, who can eat gosh... deep down Phoenix heart she is really chanting hard.  The taste ah.. how to describe, like bit the curry leaves, for those that like herbs Phoenix guess it's not an issue but for those that don't or not tasting anything like that.. hmmmm better do not put the leaves on the rice paper (popiah skin) As Phoenix was at other's country, as respect.. c c have to swallow.  Korlian! 

The best part is, KT didn't call only one dish.. he called 3 dishes... c beh gao.  Second dish, Raw beef with 'fur' (look like kua tiao).  KT seems to be really expert in local food, as he's being to Vietnam more times then Phoenix, he starts to taste first, jeng jeng jeng... KT face like hmmmm SHOCK wakakakakakaka... want to vomit hahahahahaha it's real RAW k. Can't understand that dish as well.  Phoenix just try a bit as courtesy.  Shake her head, why la people like to make ownself suffered wakakakaka... it's adventure in another words.

3rd dish, hmmm.. only 'fur' soup.  Not bad - honestly.  Clear soup :) thank god! at least one local food that can be eaten.

Dinner, as they have experience the local food on noon, they tried sea food this time.  Trust should be culture different as the way they prepare their cooking is so much different then ours here.  Everything in Vietnam, Phoenix mean food will be dipped in 'fish source'.  They ordered, oyster, BBQ crab, fish and... can't remember others.  Oyster - not too bad.  Fish - okay. BBQ Crab - this one is best wakakakakaka... the restaurant didn't really clean the crab just put the live crab and grilled on the pan ....  hmmmmm.. when the crab being served we get KT to taste first as he's the boss ma ;P Phoenix remember very clearly KT said, 'I don't eat crab that often eh' wakakakakkakakaka... you know why he says that... coz he felt that the crab is tooooo clean to eat... Phoenix looked at KT a while, hmmmmm got the message hihihihihi.. poor local staff, have to finish the food and the staff told me, next time don't order that much already hahahahhahaha... he eat till darn full.

Actually hor, should we in our own country - Malaysia, KT does eat Crab! hahahahaha..

So another thing to learn, we can try, but not everything must try ;P 

It's a great experience being with great bosses and colleagues, Phoenix learned so much from this amazing & wonderful team!  May they be blessed with good health and wealth, should there be any chance - we might be working partner in future :) Luv them lots

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