Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ah Dey called Phoenix today.  Since starting writing on blog, Phoenix have being asking Ah Dey to read.  WHY?  Phoenix always find it very difficult to 'chat' with Ah Dey..... anything that he don't want to listen, he will just shut his ears off or eyes - sleeping.  Ah Dey really don't care... hmmmm how to let Ah Dey 'listen' to Phoenix?  Thanks to blog and first, thanks to my sifu J :)

Can understand whenever, Ah Dey got chance to take a nap he'll.  Ah Dey tired ... Phoenix understand from bottom of her heart.... Ah Dey, Phoenix really hope you can open up her blog once a day to get Ah Dey updates.

Chat over the MSN today, again Phoenix asked Ah Dey - 'did you visit my blog?'  Easily Ah Dey respond.. 'I need to eat first just reach home.'  Phoenix keep asking over the chat - 'please visit my blog.... since you don't want to hear me talking, at least you can read over my blog what is going on here.  You free you read, not free it's okay' Deep inside Phoenix heart she really hope Ah Dey read.

After a while, Ah Dey respond - 'I did k'... that time, tears flow down Phoenix cheek... thankyou Ah Dey for reading.  Other's might don't understand all the up's and down's they go through together... jia you jia you.    Phoenix and Ah Dey have being cheering for each other all this while.  Trust they will keep cheering for each other till the end.  'Nam Myo-ho Renge Kyo'

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