Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In Phoenix life, she have 2 very dear sisters and 1 brother- named Tinkerbell, Rain & Dragonball.

Rain, left 13 years ago.  Bring all the pain, left great memories.  Rain, you will always be remembered and missed.

Tinkerbell... cute, innocent hmmmm can't describe much hahahahaha for Phoenix, Tinkerbell is very true to her life.  Never thinking that much just enjoy it.  Sometimes, Tinkerbell can be really funny and sometimes she can be really annoyed wakakakakaka.. anyway, Phoenix loves to chat, share and argue with Tinkerbell cause that is what we call 'sisterhood'. 

Among the sisters, Phoenix understoond that she is the most difficult to handle hahahhahaha.. maybe cause of the path that Phoenix went through, Phoenix more proctective, careful and detailed in everything she does.  In another way, Tinkerbell is opposites Phoenix characters.  There is good of the mixture Phoenix guess.  However, when comes to discuss important issue... it is indeed a problem hahahahahha cause Tinkerbell will have her own way of saying haiz...and a lot of times... can't really understand Tinkerbell decision.. maybe Tinkerbell just have to sprink her dust everything will be solved wahahahahaha.. how naive this thinking can be ... it is good that someone in the family still living in her youth and enjoy.  Indeed a treasure hehehehehe.. Phoenix shared a lot of her life with Tinkerbell, a listening ears is the best medicine - Thank you Tinkerbell.  It means a lot to Phoenix.

Tinkerbell have start writing blog... since started, Tinkerbell have being asking Phoenix for comments and thoughts... hehehehe honestly, it is quite difficult for Phoenix to understand as all in Chinese hmmmm can only blaimed that Phoenix didn't study chinese well in school.  However, Phoenix did tried her best to understand the writing - use translation hihhihii.. another problem as direct translation will deviate the main meaning so.. can only guess & guess and still guess not too bad yah..Want to tell Tinkerbell, I do read your blog :) luvs u  Tinkerbell have being very proud and happy with her blog hahahaha.. well done & good job! At least now Tinkerbell got new task, don't just flying around and wonder yah.. keep it up, keep writing good article to share.

Hmmmm talk about Dragonball, very self centered boy.   Finally Dragonball have grown up.  On 12 April 2010, Dragonball gave Phoenix one Red Packet.... it's the heart that matters :) Thank You, Dragonball - jia you jia you... you can do it! Sorry for being very very firmed with you.  Do really hope one day, you can truely understand why Phoenix do so.  From bottom of Phoenix heart - Dragonball, you must live healthy and well.  Be confidence and venture more in your life.  Phoenix kept the Red Packet well and safe for now.. Dragonball, when your child start their first job - Phoenix will pass it down to them.  May they be blessed with all the lucks.  How Phoenix wish the day comes true... may blessed Phoenix long life huhuhu

Wish you all well and happy.. in regardless where you all will be you are always in my mind!  please do live well and be happy always.

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