Friday, April 16, 2010

Rest Day

Finally today can really have a good rest. It is being a while since starting up own business... sometimes really thinking whether it is good decision or not. Too much thing to consider.

Don't do... problem!! Do also problem! anyway already started the main thinking now can only do it well and best to her ability. yay.. Phoenix jia you jia you

Life is like bed of roses.. but roses got thorn also so, in order to enjoy the beauty of the roses there is path and adventure that need to be done. Is this what people call LIFE!.. hmmmm what ever!

After Phoenix wishing her hubby b'day wishes yesterday, straight away go to sleep to have good and sound sleep. TIRED! yeap... really tired.. lot's of thing to do the last week but it is worth of resting. At least 60% of the planned schedule is done so far. Got to have good rest in order to have more energy to move on and continue.

Next Week thing to do:

Mother's day is around corner.. got new promo in the paip-line. Got to work hard to get this done well. Mother's day is a day everyone should say THANK YOU to the greatest women in the FAMILY. Give the the best gift possible... LOVE.

Travelling is also in planning. Can Phoenix not to travel? NO. Phoenix need to fly high and spread the wing. So... can only keep flying and ensure Phoenix is living. Do really hope that Phoenix is really like what the old times saying, flying high and living long..want to live long??? Don't think for now at least she's still speading her wing for now :)

Meeting .. hmmm when can Phoenix can really excape from having meeting. Sometimes she really think that it is wasting of time IF there is no Important Subject to talk about. Meeting, meeting, meeting

Training... Phoenix favoriate section. As this is place where Phoenix able to share with those that intested to learn and keep learning. Sharing is important as Phoenix trust in TEAM WORK. One person can do well.. more person can do better. Should a team able to work together and share the burden it is always a success for the organization. It apply same in family or places where's human living.

New Product study is also in schedule.. argh... this also means investment needed. Phoenix guess really have to print money instead of work hard to get money haahahahahha.. what a thinking!! Phoenix always laugh her own thinking about it coz sometimes it's really troublesome thinking on this part. Expansion definitely needed but.... MONEY always needed or else how to expand hmmmm maybe should.... master J should know what Phoenix thinking kakakaka !! It is good that Phoenix still able to laugh thinking those that not logic her own hehehehe.. come back to the very first question, whether is right or not starting up own business.... jeng jeng jeng.. answer is.... DEFINITELY YES!!! kakakaka u know why!!!

coz don't have to see boss Black Face, Shout by he/she and managing someone else employees hhhahhaha Phoenix will share more about her ex-bosses when she is really really free.. maybe next page ;P now, watch TV first relax relax

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