Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wonderful Day

Today is very first time Phoenix have her own blog page. Thanks to her 'sifu' - J. She is very updated wor ;P although she is a bit... hmmm.. how should Phoenix put it.. 'senior' hahahaha..

She taught Phoenix over the chat box. So consider Phoenix a fast learner. Like praising herself ;P, yah infact kakakaka   Phoenix have being thinking of how others doing their blog page... finally, she got one yahooooooooo!! it is so nice to have a room for her own thinking, talking, believes, space and overall her feeling as a whole. Or else it is such a pain to find someone to talk too .. what if they don't really want to hear as well :( at least now there is place call her 'HOME' in heart to write and share her thoughts.

Tomorrow is Phoenix dearest hubby b'day.. such a coincidence. It will sure be memorable birthday in their life as it print its' marked on her blog from now onwards and hope they will be reading it after 10 years down the road or 20 years or maybe 30 years. How sweet thinking about it!!
Do hope one day Baby Phoenix can read mommy's 'HOME' and remember how much mommy's luvs her. You will always be my baby. Be good and stay healthy always.