Saturday, April 17, 2010

Drop of Rain

This morning Phoenix read one of the article about the 'Rain'.  It touches Phoenix heart deeply.  Phoenix shed tears again. 

Rain - are you well there?
Rain - do you feel cool there?
Rain - anyone playing with you there?
Rain - do you know we miss you dearly?

Rain... it will go on and on questioning how Rain is doing.  A lot of times, try to numb ownself to do lots of thing not to think about Rain leaving.  Rain comes and go.  After Rain there is Rainbow.  Isn't it beautiful?  Rain leave a better sky for everyone, colourful rainbow for everyone to joy coz only after Rain, we will be able to see 7 beautiful colours above.  Haze will faded, sky turns blue.. wah, Rain - you are amazing, we loves you.  You are always in my mind.  Be free and stay free just like Rain comes when you want to visit us, go when you want to play.

Time flies, it's being more then 12 years nearly 13 years that Rain leaves us.  Phoenix can never forgot the day as it was her b'day that Rain leave this cruel world.  It also marked 13 years that Phoenix didn't really celebrate b'day as it reminds her the painful day.  Why Phoenix says it's cruel world... understand the culprit that hit Rain out of law - what the fxxx.  Sometimes it really make her think what Law are we talking about is so priceless but......  Is that it???? Yah, if keep asking 'Question' trust no one able to respond too. 

People always say.. LET GO!  is that simple... Not easy as he/she is your loves one.  It's being such a long time since Rain leave us.  A lot of times really have a thoughts - let it go... it will takes more times Phoenix guess.

Phoenix will keep writing about Rain unless Phoenix want to stop.. since she is gone.  That is all Phoenix want to share for now.

Can understand the other family that lost their famiy member... do loves those close to you coz, we won't be able to get those moment anymore.  Clock is tickling away, ask yourself what have you done for your loves one, stop complaining ACTION!!

No one is perfect however, we can learn to be better everyday ! gambateh nei

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