Friday, April 30, 2010


Sometimes Phoenix just can't understand why people is so darn bloody 'smart'.  Everything people said change it to something else.  If oneself still can't understand their own problem .. then what is that rite to talk about others.  The best part is keep blaiming others!!!! what the 'f'........... make Phoenix darn angry is still thinking they're darn rite.... really idiot!! what is got to do with with people wisdom and genious... do they know that whenever you point finger at people.. there's 3 others fingers pointing at your ownself????

Think first before announce to the whole world coz you're really making yourself like .............. no words to decribe or else will keep saying this and that haiz.. some people is indeed unbelieveable

Anyway, Phoenix learned! thank you... this time they're going to get a big one from Phoenix.. Phoenix very good in keep silent so don't worry

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In Phoenix life, she have 2 very dear sisters and 1 brother- named Tinkerbell, Rain & Dragonball.

Rain, left 13 years ago.  Bring all the pain, left great memories.  Rain, you will always be remembered and missed.

Tinkerbell... cute, innocent hmmmm can't describe much hahahahaha for Phoenix, Tinkerbell is very true to her life.  Never thinking that much just enjoy it.  Sometimes, Tinkerbell can be really funny and sometimes she can be really annoyed wakakakakaka.. anyway, Phoenix loves to chat, share and argue with Tinkerbell cause that is what we call 'sisterhood'. 

Among the sisters, Phoenix understoond that she is the most difficult to handle hahahhahaha.. maybe cause of the path that Phoenix went through, Phoenix more proctective, careful and detailed in everything she does.  In another way, Tinkerbell is opposites Phoenix characters.  There is good of the mixture Phoenix guess.  However, when comes to discuss important issue... it is indeed a problem hahahahahha cause Tinkerbell will have her own way of saying haiz...and a lot of times... can't really understand Tinkerbell decision.. maybe Tinkerbell just have to sprink her dust everything will be solved wahahahahaha.. how naive this thinking can be ... it is good that someone in the family still living in her youth and enjoy.  Indeed a treasure hehehehehe.. Phoenix shared a lot of her life with Tinkerbell, a listening ears is the best medicine - Thank you Tinkerbell.  It means a lot to Phoenix.

Tinkerbell have start writing blog... since started, Tinkerbell have being asking Phoenix for comments and thoughts... hehehehe honestly, it is quite difficult for Phoenix to understand as all in Chinese hmmmm can only blaimed that Phoenix didn't study chinese well in school.  However, Phoenix did tried her best to understand the writing - use translation hihhihii.. another problem as direct translation will deviate the main meaning so.. can only guess & guess and still guess not too bad yah..Want to tell Tinkerbell, I do read your blog :) luvs u  Tinkerbell have being very proud and happy with her blog hahahaha.. well done & good job! At least now Tinkerbell got new task, don't just flying around and wonder yah.. keep it up, keep writing good article to share.

Hmmmm talk about Dragonball, very self centered boy.   Finally Dragonball have grown up.  On 12 April 2010, Dragonball gave Phoenix one Red Packet.... it's the heart that matters :) Thank You, Dragonball - jia you jia you... you can do it! Sorry for being very very firmed with you.  Do really hope one day, you can truely understand why Phoenix do so.  From bottom of Phoenix heart - Dragonball, you must live healthy and well.  Be confidence and venture more in your life.  Phoenix kept the Red Packet well and safe for now.. Dragonball, when your child start their first job - Phoenix will pass it down to them.  May they be blessed with all the lucks.  How Phoenix wish the day comes true... may blessed Phoenix long life huhuhu

Wish you all well and happy.. in regardless where you all will be you are always in my mind!  please do live well and be happy always.

Ah Dey called Phoenix today.  Since starting writing on blog, Phoenix have being asking Ah Dey to read.  WHY?  Phoenix always find it very difficult to 'chat' with Ah Dey..... anything that he don't want to listen, he will just shut his ears off or eyes - sleeping.  Ah Dey really don't care... hmmmm how to let Ah Dey 'listen' to Phoenix?  Thanks to blog and first, thanks to my sifu J :)

Can understand whenever, Ah Dey got chance to take a nap he'll.  Ah Dey tired ... Phoenix understand from bottom of her heart.... Ah Dey, Phoenix really hope you can open up her blog once a day to get Ah Dey updates.

Chat over the MSN today, again Phoenix asked Ah Dey - 'did you visit my blog?'  Easily Ah Dey respond.. 'I need to eat first just reach home.'  Phoenix keep asking over the chat - 'please visit my blog.... since you don't want to hear me talking, at least you can read over my blog what is going on here.  You free you read, not free it's okay' Deep inside Phoenix heart she really hope Ah Dey read.

After a while, Ah Dey respond - 'I did k'... that time, tears flow down Phoenix cheek... thankyou Ah Dey for reading.  Other's might don't understand all the up's and down's they go through together... jia you jia you.    Phoenix and Ah Dey have being cheering for each other all this while.  Trust they will keep cheering for each other till the end.  'Nam Myo-ho Renge Kyo'

Monday, April 19, 2010


This Poem touches Phoenix deeply, would like to share with member.

I am the child who cannot talk.
You often pity me, I see it in your eyes. You wonder how much I am aware of -- I see that as well. I am aware of much -- whether you are happy or sad or fearful, patient or impatient, full of love and desire, or if you are just doing your duty by me. I marvel at your frustration, knowing mine to be far greater, for I cannot express myself or my needs as you do. 

You cannot conceive my isolation, so complete it is at times. I do not gift you with clever conversation, cute remarks to be laughed over and repeated. I do not give you answers to your everyday questions, responses over my well-being, sharing my needs, or comments about the world about me. I do not give you rewards as defined by the world's standards -- great strides in development that you can credit yourself; I do not give you understanding as you know it. 

What I give you is so much more valuable -- I give you instead opportunities. Opportunities to discover the depth of your character, not mine; the depth of your love, your commitment, your patience, your abilities; the opportunity to explore your spirit more deeply than you imagined possible.

I drive you further than you would ever go on your own, working harder, seeking answers to your many questions with no answers. I am the child who cannot talk.

I am the child who cannot walk.
The world seems to pass me by. You see the longing in my eyes to get out of this chair, to run and play like other children. There is much you take for granted. I want the toys on the shelf, I need to go to the bathroom, oh I've dropped my fork again. I am dependant on you in these ways.

My gift to you is to make you more aware of your great fortune, your healthy back and legs, your ability to do for yourself. Sometimes people appear not to notice me; I always notice them. I feel not so much envy as desire, desire to stand upright, to put one foot in front of the other, to be independent. I give you awareness. I am the child who cannot walk.

I am the child who is mentally impaired.
I don't learn easily, if you judge me by the world's measuring stick, what I do know is infinite joy in simple things. I am not burdened as you are with the strife and conflicts of a more complicated life. My gift to you is to grant you the freedom to enjoy things as a child, to teach you how much your arms around me mean, to give you love. I give you the gift of simplicity. I am the child who is mentally impaired.

I am the disabled child. I am your teacher. If you allow me, I will teach you what is really important in life. I will give you and teach you unconditional love. I gift you with my innocent trust, my dependency upon you. I teach you about how precious this life is and about not taking things for granted. I teach you about forgetting your own needs and desires and dreams. I teach you giving. Most of all I teach you hope and faith. I am the disabled child.

- Author Unknown -

p.s. Loves your child.  They are gift from Heaven!  Baobei, mommy's luvs you.

Working Day

After 2 days of resting, Phoenix start her engine again.  How Phoenix wish that she have more then a pair of hand.  Not enough hand to do all the planned schedule. 

Early morning, Phoenix get herself ready to collect the 'thing' that suppose to be in her office last few months ago... another long story for this 'thing' that mentioned.. anyway, she manage to get it and send the stuff safely to her office with full of sweat accompany her. 

Phoenix really do not like people that don't keep promises.  Make her round, round and round so troublesome.  Why can't people just keep their promises and get the thing done.  c cai cham this kind of people.  Do they realises that time is precious.  Time is money so do not waste time.

Anyway, get the rest of 40% of planning done this week.  Still got few days to go.  This week is also travelling week.  Hmmmm.. treat is as holiday then it won't be boring/tiring :)

Talk about being boss, very nice and wide scope.  Dealing with different country, state, teritory and business partner is another challenging task.  Phoenix have being travelling around places before Phoenix venture own business. 

One country that's memorable to her is VIETNAM .. .huh...this is a country where Phoenix really Phobia wakakakakaka.. thinking of their food.. OMG want to CRY ... yah crying... still remember one incident when one of her big boss (KT) bring her to eat... KT said to Phoenix, 'if you come to vietnam don't taste their local food ah, you can't tell people you have being here'.. Phoenix look at KT for a while.. okayla buy his idea.  They get their local staff to bring them around and taste the local food.  First dish, so call local popiah... gosh.. scarry dish.  As Phoenix don't eat that much vege so boh pian la since already there... try also.  First bite like in HEAVEN wahahahahaha.... Phoenix looked at KT and inside her heart cursing him non-stop ! @ #=9^$&*;* this kind of food, who can eat gosh... deep down Phoenix heart she is really chanting hard.  The taste ah.. how to describe, like bit the curry leaves, for those that like herbs Phoenix guess it's not an issue but for those that don't or not tasting anything like that.. hmmmm better do not put the leaves on the rice paper (popiah skin) As Phoenix was at other's country, as respect.. c c have to swallow.  Korlian! 

The best part is, KT didn't call only one dish.. he called 3 dishes... c beh gao.  Second dish, Raw beef with 'fur' (look like kua tiao).  KT seems to be really expert in local food, as he's being to Vietnam more times then Phoenix, he starts to taste first, jeng jeng jeng... KT face like hmmmm SHOCK wakakakakakaka... want to vomit hahahahahaha it's real RAW k. Can't understand that dish as well.  Phoenix just try a bit as courtesy.  Shake her head, why la people like to make ownself suffered wakakakaka... it's adventure in another words.

3rd dish, hmmm.. only 'fur' soup.  Not bad - honestly.  Clear soup :) thank god! at least one local food that can be eaten.

Dinner, as they have experience the local food on noon, they tried sea food this time.  Trust should be culture different as the way they prepare their cooking is so much different then ours here.  Everything in Vietnam, Phoenix mean food will be dipped in 'fish source'.  They ordered, oyster, BBQ crab, fish and... can't remember others.  Oyster - not too bad.  Fish - okay. BBQ Crab - this one is best wakakakakaka... the restaurant didn't really clean the crab just put the live crab and grilled on the pan ....  hmmmmm.. when the crab being served we get KT to taste first as he's the boss ma ;P Phoenix remember very clearly KT said, 'I don't eat crab that often eh' wakakakakkakakaka... you know why he says that... coz he felt that the crab is tooooo clean to eat... Phoenix looked at KT a while, hmmmmm got the message hihihihihi.. poor local staff, have to finish the food and the staff told me, next time don't order that much already hahahahhahaha... he eat till darn full.

Actually hor, should we in our own country - Malaysia, KT does eat Crab! hahahahaha..

So another thing to learn, we can try, but not everything must try ;P 

It's a great experience being with great bosses and colleagues, Phoenix learned so much from this amazing & wonderful team!  May they be blessed with good health and wealth, should there be any chance - we might be working partner in future :) Luv them lots

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Phoenix got one very very very close friend name 'W' whom really like to sleep.  Whenever there is free time W will find place to close eyes and take a nap.  It's not a crime to sleep for sure.  However, Phoenix always have a thought that why don't find a better thing to do other then sleeping.

Definitely understand that other then work whenever there is free or rest day, W will try his best to sleep.  Honestly Phoenix found that W have being overslept and missed a lot of adventure around W.  Example: what have being happen while W sleep? News? Family? Always because of 'sleeping' topic, Phoenix and W have small arguement.  Coz Phoenix thinking that W should learn and adventure more thing while we are still healthy while W think that should rest and relax while we can... Phoenix remember what 'Thinkerbell' said 'No right, No wrong'!

Haiz.. this have being really interesting topic to write this time hahahaha.. coz while writing, Phoenix have being sighing uncontrolled.  Didn't realises that because of this topic it cause her to crack her brain ;P.

Talk about W.. hmmmm very interesting person.  Born in April - Aries strong headed baby hihihihi.. bad temper, undefeatable, imaginative and ci ai bin wakakakakaka.... actually, W is very loving person other then what mentioned.  Towards family, W very helpless most of the time.  Being the eldest in family, W have being pampered most of life.  Everyone loves Wso much, most of the thing don't need him to worry and do ofcoz other then W main work.  Lately, Phoenix have make a decision to let W walk by owned.  So far W done so well - good job!  Phoenix always proud of W.

From nothing to what W achieve today, personally W is doing really really well.  Without good education background, certification to support him.  W have work really hard start from rank and file till today to management level so... being in the corporate management team, W - you are really doing great!  so do not feel inferior, as long as you have done your best and put all your effort to get the thing done is good enough.  Remember, we can't pleased everyone!

13th February 2010 - a date where W lost someone close dearly.  He's being crying silently.  Thinking why thing happen that way.  Looking at W that time Phoenix realises that how much they have being missing good times together.  A lot of times, we forgot about the goods of the person.  We can only remember all the bad thing that happen.  Is this how 'above' creates us.. only remember the bad other then good??

After the incident, Phoenix took a chance to talk to their family member to stay together and loves each other more.  Thing seems not last long... haiz... No right, No wrong!  everyone have their right to choose the way of life they want to live.  As long as they were happy, it should be a thing to celebrate as well. 

For Phoenix, as long as W is well - nothing else matter.  Phoenix hope and wish that W always x2 remember that we loves him.  Baby Phoenix loves you too.  But... don't sleep too much cause you have miss out so much of our programme.

Time flies treasure every second, minutes & hours cause once you miss it... it won't be able to redo one more times... we only lives once!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some say love it is a river, that drowns the tender reed, Some say love it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed, Some say love it is a hunger, an ednless aching need. I say love it is a flower, and you it's only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance, It's the dream afraid of waking, that never takes the chance. It's the one who won't be taken, who can not seems to give, and the soul afraid of dyin', that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long.  And you think that love is only, for the lucky and the strong.  Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, Lies the seed that with the sun's love. In the spring becomes a rose.

Just remember in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, Lies the seed that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes a rose.

Some say love it is a river, that drowns the tender reed. Some say love it is a razor, that leaves your soul to bleed. Some say love it it a hunger, an endless aching need.  I say love it is a flower, and you it's only seed.
When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long.  And you think that love is only for you the lucky and the strong.

Just remeber in the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, Lies te seed that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes a rose. Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow, Lies the seed that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes a rose....

Drop of Rain

This morning Phoenix read one of the article about the 'Rain'.  It touches Phoenix heart deeply.  Phoenix shed tears again. 

Rain - are you well there?
Rain - do you feel cool there?
Rain - anyone playing with you there?
Rain - do you know we miss you dearly?

Rain... it will go on and on questioning how Rain is doing.  A lot of times, try to numb ownself to do lots of thing not to think about Rain leaving.  Rain comes and go.  After Rain there is Rainbow.  Isn't it beautiful?  Rain leave a better sky for everyone, colourful rainbow for everyone to joy coz only after Rain, we will be able to see 7 beautiful colours above.  Haze will faded, sky turns blue.. wah, Rain - you are amazing, we loves you.  You are always in my mind.  Be free and stay free just like Rain comes when you want to visit us, go when you want to play.

Time flies, it's being more then 12 years nearly 13 years that Rain leaves us.  Phoenix can never forgot the day as it was her b'day that Rain leave this cruel world.  It also marked 13 years that Phoenix didn't really celebrate b'day as it reminds her the painful day.  Why Phoenix says it's cruel world... understand the culprit that hit Rain out of law - what the fxxx.  Sometimes it really make her think what Law are we talking about is so priceless but......  Is that it???? Yah, if keep asking 'Question' trust no one able to respond too. 

People always say.. LET GO!  is that simple... Not easy as he/she is your loves one.  It's being such a long time since Rain leave us.  A lot of times really have a thoughts - let it go... it will takes more times Phoenix guess.

Phoenix will keep writing about Rain unless Phoenix want to stop.. since she is gone.  That is all Phoenix want to share for now.

Can understand the other family that lost their famiy member... do loves those close to you coz, we won't be able to get those moment anymore.  Clock is tickling away, ask yourself what have you done for your loves one, stop complaining ACTION!!

No one is perfect however, we can learn to be better everyday ! gambateh nei

Aunt LUN Visit

Make a visit today to Aunt LUN, complaining about one of her colleague that didn't know how to be pro. and most important is public relations skill and the end results is hurting her :) I honestly felt that human being is really tough to understand.  Thing that might be OK for us might not be OK for others. 

They said human being is smart creature. hmmm is that true?  Being selfish is also consider smart!! Not able to consider others feeling - consider smart!  Too much shortage of characters that make me question lots on this living creature.  Why can't this 'smart' creature living harmony together?  Why do we need to differentiate the colour, religions, language and so on.  Trust the 'above' didn't create this for us to trouble.  It only created by this living creature.  AH.. now I realises why they are smart.  Coz they created their own culture, own character, own signage.  Apart from colours, personally - there is nothing different of all.

Can understand that maybe the environment is different which might create different living standard.  However, it shouldn't be the excuses why we can't live together harmony.  Is that really that difficult to live together and understand each other?  We should teach our kid, how to love each other and human revolutions instead of teaching them how to be so realistic in material things.  We came to this world naked, leaving with nothing so human... please do not harm each other or else what is different between us and beast. 

Do support family harmony, education & WORLD PEACE!


Hate mosquitos.. darn many mosquitos at holiday's home.  Since Phoenix's back to the holiday house, this little creatures have being messing around with her.  Cant stand it, today Phoenix do one very hmmmm decision hehehe.. kill them wakakakaka.. so early in the morning, Phoenix get ready.  Take her shower, get her hair done and drive all the way to town just get the weapon - RIDSERT hehehehe

Can u imagine, everywhere u go there is this small alien flying here and there.. huh.. really can't stand them.  Very first day, Phoenix still treat it like exercise keep smapping at M.  However, thing getting out of control.. M getting more of its' family member join in battle.  Cant stand them, attack here and there.  Maybe they have stave for too long already.  Now finally got blood for them to suck.. ceh.. little vampire Phoenix call them. Yah, little vampire!!

wahahahahaha.. manage to get the weapon back.  It's time to start battle with this little vampire. 

First in order to win this battle, must keep looking and walk like a wind so that they won't be aware you are there.

Second, get ready the weapon (Ridsect) hehehehe... then last sprayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  just in a while, this little vampire will faint

Last last, as most of them hide in the toilet Phoenix flush some of them in the paip and some to the drain. 

Yahooooo Phoenix won the battle.  Wonder tomorrow they will bring more member or not, she is not afraid coz she bought 2 bottles of RIDSECT wakakakaka... poor vampire!  Sometimes life is really unpredictable, have to choose either one.  In this situation, either you choose to be bite by them or you got to Destroy them.  Phoenix choose to destroy them coz.. she luvs herself more.  Most important is Phoenix afraid of DENGGI. 

So frenz, make sure you clean your house.  Do not keep them as they are not PET.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Rest Day

Finally today can really have a good rest. It is being a while since starting up own business... sometimes really thinking whether it is good decision or not. Too much thing to consider.

Don't do... problem!! Do also problem! anyway already started the main thinking now can only do it well and best to her ability. yay.. Phoenix jia you jia you

Life is like bed of roses.. but roses got thorn also so, in order to enjoy the beauty of the roses there is path and adventure that need to be done. Is this what people call LIFE!.. hmmmm what ever!

After Phoenix wishing her hubby b'day wishes yesterday, straight away go to sleep to have good and sound sleep. TIRED! yeap... really tired.. lot's of thing to do the last week but it is worth of resting. At least 60% of the planned schedule is done so far. Got to have good rest in order to have more energy to move on and continue.

Next Week thing to do:

Mother's day is around corner.. got new promo in the paip-line. Got to work hard to get this done well. Mother's day is a day everyone should say THANK YOU to the greatest women in the FAMILY. Give the the best gift possible... LOVE.

Travelling is also in planning. Can Phoenix not to travel? NO. Phoenix need to fly high and spread the wing. So... can only keep flying and ensure Phoenix is living. Do really hope that Phoenix is really like what the old times saying, flying high and living long..want to live long??? Don't think for now at least she's still speading her wing for now :)

Meeting .. hmmm when can Phoenix can really excape from having meeting. Sometimes she really think that it is wasting of time IF there is no Important Subject to talk about. Meeting, meeting, meeting

Training... Phoenix favoriate section. As this is place where Phoenix able to share with those that intested to learn and keep learning. Sharing is important as Phoenix trust in TEAM WORK. One person can do well.. more person can do better. Should a team able to work together and share the burden it is always a success for the organization. It apply same in family or places where's human living.

New Product study is also in schedule.. argh... this also means investment needed. Phoenix guess really have to print money instead of work hard to get money haahahahahha.. what a thinking!! Phoenix always laugh her own thinking about it coz sometimes it's really troublesome thinking on this part. Expansion definitely needed but.... MONEY always needed or else how to expand hmmmm maybe should.... master J should know what Phoenix thinking kakakaka !! It is good that Phoenix still able to laugh thinking those that not logic her own hehehehe.. come back to the very first question, whether is right or not starting up own business.... jeng jeng jeng.. answer is.... DEFINITELY YES!!! kakakaka u know why!!!

coz don't have to see boss Black Face, Shout by he/she and managing someone else employees hhhahhaha Phoenix will share more about her ex-bosses when she is really really free.. maybe next page ;P now, watch TV first relax relax

Sometimes When We Touch

You asked me if I loved you and I Choked on my reply,
I rather hurt you honestly, that miss lead you with a lie,
And who am I to judge you, on what you say or do,
I'm only just beginning, to see the real you,
And sometimes when we touch, the honestly to much,
And I have to close my eyes and hide.
I want to hold you 'til I die, 'til we both break down and cry,
I wanna hold you 'till the fear in me subsides....

Romancing all his strategie, leaves me battling with my pride,
But through the insecurity, some tenderness survives,
I'm just another writer, still trapped within my truths,
A hesitant prized fighter, still trapped within my youth.

And sometimes when we touch, the honesty too much,
And I have to close my eyes and hide,
I want to hold you 'til I die, 'til we both break down and cry,
I wanna hold you 'til the fear in me subsides.

At times I like to break you and drag you to your knees,
At times I like to break through and hold you endlessly,
At times I understand you, and I know how hard you've tried,
I watched why love commands you and I watched love pass you by,
At times I think we're drifters, still searching for a friend, a brother or a sister,

But then the passion flares again, and sometimes when we touch,
The honestly to much. And I have to close my eyes and hide,
I want to hold you 'til I die 'til we both break down and cry,
I wanna hold you 'til the fear in me subsides.

Close to you

Why do birds suddenly apprear every time you are near,
Just like me, they long to be Close to you,
Why do stars fall down from the sky,
Every time you walk by Just like me,
They long to be Close to you.
On the day that you were born and the angels got together,
And decided to create a dream come true,
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold,
And starlight in your eyes of blue,
That is why all the girls in town,
Follow you all around,
Just like me, they long to be Close to you.

On the day that you were born and the angles got together,
and decided to create a dream come true,
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold......
And start in your eyes of blue,
That is why all the girls in town, follow you all around,
Just like me, they long to be Close to you,
Just like me, they long to be Close to you.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy B'day Mr. A

First, sing you a song... happy b'day to u, happy b'day to u, happy b'day to u.. u.. happy b'day to uuuuuuuuuuuuu

Another year passed, welcome new year and challenges. It also means that you are growing mentally and fizically (in my own context) - that is what Phoenix hope for sure. Life have not being easy - she knows. No matter what still have to move on and keep faith close to heart and always remember that We Loves U.

New job, new environment, new bosses, new colleagues... hmmm how!! take it easy babe. Trust that this new environment is definitely much better then the previous as honestly you are much more happier and jovial. In corporate life, everyone have to struggle for living. It just a matter of how we look and action on the situation. Phoenix know say easy hahaha.... she go through the path right! Enjoy it instead of go againts it.. Dance with the flow! work smart!

For now, wish you all the best - stay healthy always and live long ... muacks frm your loving family Little Phoenix and Phoenix

Wonderful Day

Today is very first time Phoenix have her own blog page. Thanks to her 'sifu' - J. She is very updated wor ;P although she is a bit... hmmm.. how should Phoenix put it.. 'senior' hahahaha..

She taught Phoenix over the chat box. So consider Phoenix a fast learner. Like praising herself ;P, yah infact kakakaka   Phoenix have being thinking of how others doing their blog page... finally, she got one yahooooooooo!! it is so nice to have a room for her own thinking, talking, believes, space and overall her feeling as a whole. Or else it is such a pain to find someone to talk too .. what if they don't really want to hear as well :( at least now there is place call her 'HOME' in heart to write and share her thoughts.

Tomorrow is Phoenix dearest hubby b'day.. such a coincidence. It will sure be memorable birthday in their life as it print its' marked on her blog from now onwards and hope they will be reading it after 10 years down the road or 20 years or maybe 30 years. How sweet thinking about it!!
Do hope one day Baby Phoenix can read mommy's 'HOME' and remember how much mommy's luvs her. You will always be my baby. Be good and stay healthy always.