Friday, July 30, 2010

last week my princess was admitted to hospital for 'suspected dengue' huh... at first it was just normal fever.. gave her fever syrup.. first day okay.. second day okay .. third day.. hmmm hw come her body tempreture seems not so OK.. after a thought.. asked her dad tat just came home to send us to clinic to check... the doc. straight away do blood test as there's too many dengue reported...

blood taken, doc. came out from his lab.. mdm, i think u'll have to bring ur gal to hospital now immediately as her blood pallete only at 24 plus.. huh my heart drop at tat point as normal shld be between 100-150... gosh panic.. tears just keep falling ... called grandma, call yima calling for help and motivation... call god call whoever for motivation....

straight away admitted her, blood taking... princess cried her heart out it's really painful hearing her screaming for help.. both her hand and foot all blue black... first dengue test - negative.. do second time - negative.. huh as other then her blood pallete drop there's others ... blood Phoenix dun understand wat's tat but it's part of blood as well also drop.. makes doc. worried same make Phoenix worried.. called our spore specialist doc. for standby in case any emergency we will rush there.. haiz... it's really scared me to hell ... tat time Phoenix keep asking for mercy of great do not ever take her from me.. it's not her time yet... please please please.. first nite cant sleep as worried her fever will up.. second nite her blood pallete still no up.. 3rd day still not up... Phoenix keep chanting and get member to help to chant for Princess.. 4th day... her blood finally make improvement increase to 46 then nite time 76.. then next day 106 huh.. we've finally won the battle again tis time.. it's finally diagnose at viral fever.. :(

thank you those tat send regards, my cousin tat visited us although she's bz with her work... and my family tat keep supporting me .. not forgetting the doc. and nurse at hospital tat's so frenzly and caring during our stay there as Princess condition is special tat's why they've pay extra care on her.. thnk you very much for all your frenzly care... may u be blessed wth gd health

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