Friday, May 7, 2010

Brextin Darling..may you rest in Peace

Today read Phoenix email and knowing that little Brextin in god's hand now... Phoenix tears just can't stop flowing.. knowing the support group is the best thing for Phoenix as that's the place where Phoenix get all the update and information needed. 

Whenever, we get update on the good news.. we all will congrates each other, query - we support each other, lost - we will find each other, feeling down - we motivate each other... We are all from different part of the world.. without prejudice we have become 'Family'. 

Knowing one of the family member gone now, it's indeed heart breaking and lost. 

*I never thought I would be typing this to this group - our son has been a true fighter through everything - however his life will continue as he walks in heaven's arms. *

Little B was born on mothers day almost three years ago - and his journey began when he was only two months old - they (parents) have struggled with seizures and vomiting almost since day one.

They were scheduled for a second opinion EEG and something occurred that they were not expecting - his seizures began to increase - and by Thursday he was having about 12 a day - as our son had seizures he would often vomit - and because his tiny system was backed up (not able to have a bowel movement) - his stomach wasn't emptying as it should - and so when he had seizures - the food kept coming up and it eventually entered into his lungs - which caused him to have pneumonia - they pumped his chest for over one hour - and eventually gave up.

The parents at a total lost - never thought they would be laying their youngest son to rest.

Little B looked fantastic- never would have thought - that he would only be around for one more day.

'I tried therapy after therapy with our son - and I now know that he is finally walking, running, and talking up a storm up in heaven with his Great Grandpa and Uncle.'

We were blessed to have known such a wonderful boy - he had a contagious smile and a heart of gold.

Reading the last sentence of little Brextin parents -'Peace be with all of you as you continue to travel along your child's journey. I am so at peace knowing our son is no longer having seizures, vomiting, or having any type of pain.'

Goodbye little Brextin...please be free and enjoy your day in heaven's my dear!

with lots of luv & hug


  1. Nice sharing...
    But sorry jie, when food enter his respiratory system will cause pneumonia, not ammonia. ;)

  2. thanks dear....

    darling, thanks for visiting :) luv u
