Thursday, June 17, 2010

Never Give Up

Just watch the link above and it really inspire Phoenix lots.  Yah always believe there's hope, never give up... there's will there's way!

Sunday, June 13, 2010


As normal human being Phoenix guess there's no way we can excape from 'sickness' big or small .... sometimes really thinking why it happen.. share lots wth tinkerbell lately on tis topics.. hahahaha we're all lay man so it's pretty normal getting discourage when heard nt so gd news.. ppl said we thnk too much.. nt thnk is also problem ... remember one of my gd frenz told me... spend while we can as some ppl can even enjoy ord be angel khi's really interesting talking about tis topics.

Remember Phoenix told her frenz before.. if spend all gt emergency how??? her frenz replied : so many emergency lor .... neh... gam gam gt emergency happen lor hahahahaha tat's why it's hard for us to predict what's going to happen coz no matter hw great u're... we are not GOD!  saw this sentence last few days.. god give and take so treasure every moment possible. 

Honestly talk about 'sick' phoenix very phobia...... lately health nt so gd.. cant really breath normal, getting giddy lots, there's time phoenix asking not to be angel so fast hahahahaha coz worried it might happen ... we cant predict what's next ;p sigh... do hope grant me longer life hehehehehe coz lots of thg not done and complete and lots of lots of ... thg want to do.. havent really enjoy Phoenix life yet mercy wth Phoenix ;) hahahahaha

hmmm need to continue my assignment again... zzzz

Thursday, June 3, 2010


feeling really tired.. tired of life tired of everything... dun knw why just feeling very very very very tired.. s$%^... sometimes really thinking why should we need to go through all this... will there be a better world then here???  a lot of times, really have a thought tat leaving this world and go to another world should be better.. will it!!! sigh.. c how long can stay put.................... everything seems to be so far to reach.. everything done is nt rite... every... all wrong... just feeling very very tired.. shld have a rest nw.. zzzzz